Rim Rock & Pear Park Elementary Schools
Fruita, Colorado / Grand Junction, Colorado
Rim Rock building area / Pear park Building Area
54,000 sf / 62,000 sf
Mesa County Valley School District 51
The design of these new K-5 schools was based on the successful prototype design of the Rocky Mountain and Dos Rios Elementary Schools which were completed seven years prior for Mesa County Valley School District 51.
Rim Rock and Pear Park maintained the same basic features and added a Severe and Profound classroom and restroom, ESL/GT classrooms, and Pre-Kindergarten classroom(s) with their own play area.
Rim Rock Elementary is 54,000 sf. At 62,000 sf, Pear Park Elementary includes a regulation size gymnasium with hardwood floors for community use after hours.
Both schools have full kitchens. Colors and materials were selected for playfulness, enhanced wayfinding, durability and ease of maintenance, while still maximizing energy efficiency through products like spectrally selective glazing. The intersection of the two main hallways was highlighted with a large, thermally-broken skylight.
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