CDOT I-25 Poudre River Rest Area
Ft. Collins, Colorado
building Area
3,400 sf
Colorado Department of Transportation
This Interstate Highway Rest Area provides interpretive exhibits and restroom facilities for I-25 travelers and truckers.
Other attributes include a vending area, xeric landscaping, large vehicle access, and a maintenance building. The total size of the Rest Area is 3,400 sf.
During the planning phase, the use of a visual preference survey helped to determine that the stakeholders had a dominating preference for buildings with a strong relationship to their surroundings and landscape; that used warm, natural materials such as stone and wood; and that had a comfortable, friendly feeling.
To that end, the walls are designed to reach out to visitors’ points of approach and draw them into the building. The lobby is designed with east and west entrances and window walls. The west lobby windows frame the view of Long’s Peak in Rocky Mountain National Park.
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