West Transfer Station
Grand Junction, Colorado
Project Area
2,850 sf
Grand Valley Transit
The Grand Valley Transit facility, on a 3.68 acre site, provides bus transfer stops for up to six bus routes, a park-and-ride lot, and a bus station.
The station welcomes patrons between routes providing restrooms, ticket sales, route information, vending, and indoor waiting in inclement weather. All of the transfer stops are visible from within the lobby and from the ticket office for control and security of the site.
The building is like a boulder in a stream, both defining the movement around it and shaped by that movement. Areas for gathering and rest are located under the roof overhangs of the main building and individual sheltered stops.
The upward angle of the main roof allows views toward Colorado National Monument and the Bookcliffs. It also directs rainwater into a cistern via a rain chain which is connected to the detention area. Bus shelter roofs drain directly into adjacent raised planters to conserve water and direct it away from pedestrian paths.
The site was landscaped to provide the feel of a pocket park for the surrounding neighborhood. Raised planters provide additional seating areas for waiting while protecting the plantings from pedestrian traffic.
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