Bryce Canyon Lodge Reroof
Bryce Canyon, Utah
Shingled Roof Area
26,300 sf
National Park Service
The historic Bryce Canyon Lodge, built by the Union Pacific Railroad from 1924-28, was designed by famed architect Gilbert Stanley Underwood.
For the roof, Underwood called for a striking, wavy shingle pattern to create the illusion of undulation, and for it to be green in color to blend with the surrounding ponderosa pine forest. The Lodge was last shingled in 1985, and those shingles had deteriorated, and Underwood’s wavy coursing had not been executed correctly.
This project entailed the design of the reroof for replication of the wavy shingle courses with western red cedar shingles, treated for fire resistance, and stained to match the historic green color. As with the original roof, each shingle is individually cut on two sides in a keystone or trapezoidal shape. The Lodge features seven stone chimneys with flashing, exterior lumber framing, and multiple tiers, dormers, hips, and six different pitches, all of which made the execution complicated. The total shingled roof area is approximately 26,300 sf.
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