BLM Fire Suppression Support Facility
Grand Junction, Colorado
building Area
9,200 sf
Bureau of Land Management
This BLM facility dispatches smoke jumpers, air tankers, and helitack during fire fighting missions. Its primary purpose is to accommodate the whirlwind of activity during a fire − from refueling to loading, and access to equipment and personnel.
The building is composed of two parts: a glass cube which accommodates dispatching operations that require full visibility to the exterior, and a masonry cube for operations which do not require windows. Because of a twelve foot elevation change from the parking level to the apron, the building was designed on two levels.
The quick response teams occupy the upper level which has direct access to the tarmac, while the lower level is for training, offices, and showers. The expansive soils, which are typical at the Grand Junction Regional Airport site, required structural slabs at both floor levels. The building is typically seen in relation to the cliffs to the north and the plateau to the south, so the masonry colors were selected to correspond to these backdrops in a pattern evocative of the landscape.
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