Northern Great Plains Interagency Dispatch Center
Rapid City, South Dakota
building Area
6,085 sf
USDA Forest Service
This dispatch center provides emergency communication services for eight federal, state, and local agencies.
The facility includes a fire dispatch room with five consoles, two consoles for air support, plus a central control console. A large conference room is designed to serve as an expanded dispatch arm in the case of large or multiple events. The building layout locates the manager’s and the assistant manager’s offices so that they can view and manage both the dispatch and the expanded dispatch areas. IT and telecommunications infrastructure is located as close to the center of the building as possible. Complete emergency backup power is available so that dispatch can continue to function if power goes down to the region.
The building is designed to use 30% less energy than a comparable building. These energy savings were achieved using a ground source heat pump system, energy efficient lighting, energy efficient windows, and increased insulation. SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels) were used for exterior walls and roof, both for ease of construction and to provide a high R-value thermal envelope.
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